Panamint Mountain Roads

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Posted by Joel on September 08, 2001 at 20:01:55:

Just got back from South Park / Pleasent Canyon and here are the current road conditions. (Did the loop).

Southpark/Pleasent Canyons - did some moderate damage, but nothing a high clearance 4x4 can't handle.

Goler Canyon - no damage.

High country above Pleasent to Southpark Canyon - perfect condition.

Might add, speaking with Phil (BLM Ranger) we both agreed most flashing flooding took place from Redlands Canyon to Surprise Canyon, below the 3,700-3,900' elevation.

I will be posting pictures of some of the flash flooding tomorrow (Sept 9, 2001).

Off to northern part of DV come Monday....

Joel / The Drifter

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