Yes. You can use HTML.
Read More 1. Try to stay on topic. If you want to discuss a subject that is not currently addressed, create a new thread. Always be specific with your post's title, the subject line should indicate what's inside the thread. ("Look here!" or "Read!! This is important!" do not constitute acceptable thread titles).
2. In order to maintain an environment that promotes ease in the exchange of information, spamming is prohibited. Spamming includes posting the same message repeatedly, making pointless threads or replies, as well as advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, click-wars (referrals), or solicitations including ebay-type spam. Please avoid pointless bumping of old (dead) threads.
3. Members may not attempt to misguide other members. This includes creating user names that impersonate Developers, Staff, or other users.
4. Posts that are disparaging toward any religion, race, nation, social status, gender, or sexual orientation are strictly forbidden. Any post using excessive vulgarity, threatening or harassing, obscene or hateful, deliberately inaccurate or misleading, explicitly sexual in nature, an invasion of a person's privacy, abusing our censor, or in any other way violates the law may be edited or removed and the user may be banned (at the discretion of the Administrators).
Everyone is entitled
Your privacy is important to us. We provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used. Please take the time to read and understand our privacy policies so that you can understand how we treat your personal information.
Read MoreYes, you do need to register and log in to post a message. We no longer allow anonymous posting without registration on the forum.
Read MoreAdding a link to your post is easier than ever.
First, highlight the bit of text you'd like to link. Then click the little chain-links (next to the photo in the editor). Paste in the full URL and click "Add."
Voila! Linked text!
Read MoreYou can upload a photo to your post by clicking the "add files" button, uploading the image, and then selecting the image and selecting the "In message" button. Please note that photos are limited to 150kb per image.
To share a larger file, please use the instructions below:
You can refer to a photo image that is already on the web, perhaps on your own web site, but you can not post a photo to our web site directly from your computer. To show a photo image that is already on the web, enter the full URL address of the image file into the message box labeled "Optional Image URL:". A full URL is one that includes the "http://", such as:
If you trying to link to a photo that you've posted on one of the many popular free photo gallery web sites, note that most of them block attempts to show their images on outside web sites. If you are sure that you got your URL correct and a missing image icon appears instead of your photo, then your photo gallery web site is probably blocking our web site's request for your photo. It appears that PhotoBucket will allow you to show your photos on our web site. Also, many ISP's give their customers a small amount of personal web space free with their accounts. Check with your ISP to see if you can store your photos on their servers.
Read MoreImmediately after registering you should have received a confirmation email from us with a link for you to use to validate your registration. This process ensures us that your email address is indeed valid. If you registered and can't log in, please look for our email with the subject "DVTalk Registration". If you cannot find this email, or if you did validate your registration and still cannot log in, please Click Here to Contact Us.
ALL Accounts coming over from the old DV Talk MUST generate a New Password in order to log into the new DV Talk forum.
To do this select "Forgot Password" from the login area and enter in your email. An email with instructions on how to re-set your password will be sent to you.
What was your Nickname is now the Username field. Use this to log-in.
If you can't remember your nickname, select "Forgot your Username?" Under the "Login" area and enter the email you used when you registered.
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If you receive your email from Verizon, AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail or another major email provider, our confirmation email was most likely filtered out as spam. Please consult your email provider as to how to retrieve filtered mail. If you cannot retrieve our confirmation email and cannot log in, please Click Here to Contact Us.
Read MorePlease see the DVTalk Rules for more information on forum etiquette.
Read MoreMost likely your post did not show up because it was submitted anonymously. All anonymous posts are held for review by an administrator who must release it before it appears for all to read. This might be only a matter of minutes, or it may take several days. If you did not submit your post anonymously, then please reload your browser and the post should then appear.
It is also possible that your anonymous post did not pass the administrator's review because it contained language that is against the Death Valley Talk rules. Please see the Death Valley Talk Rules for more information on forum etiquette.
Read MoreBy registering as a Death Valley Talk member your comments will be avalable immediately for all to read. Also, nobody else can post a message using your screen name. Please see the Death Valley Talk Rules for more information on forum etiquette.
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