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Wildflowers Spotted in Death Valley

Death Valley Natural History Association has reported one of the earliest blooms in recent memory in Death Valley National Park. Heavy early rains (and the flooding it has caused) seems to have put the delicate and ephemeral desert wildflowers on show as they take advantage of the record moisture.

Peak viewing generally occurs in late-February through mid-April, but wildflowers can be seen in the higher elevations of the even in early summer.

The best viewing occurs in the most accessible areas of Death Valley, some of the most memorable areas in the past easily viewed from the highways and roads that cross the national park.

The National Park service maintains a webpage with regular updates about wildflower activity in Death Valley, you can view it by clicking here.

More rainfall is anticipated in what's expected to be a highly active El Nino year. It's possible that we could even see a super bloom this year, an event which hasn't happened since 2005 and which carpeted the infamously dry valley in brilliant color.

The Death Valley Natural History Association sells wildflower books, brochures and more. Proceeds benefit Death Valley National Park.