Re: Steel Pass - Cel Phone tip...
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Posted by Last Chance Rand
on September 10, 2002 at 16:20:36:
In Reply to: Re: Steel Pass posted by Bodie the Dog on September 10, 2002 at 15:56:35:
>For an awesome view, head east from the pass, >up the hill as far as you can go. And never >mind that pesky orange sign. I think it's a >fraud that some backpacker stuck there to >close the side road. I can't comment as to the legitimacy of that closed sign, but I can tell you that if you travel up that path to a point whereby you can look down on the Salt Lake in the middle of Saline Valley, an AT&T cel phone might pick up a signal. In October 1999 I made a call from here with my old analog Motorola flip phone!
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