Re: re: Suprise Canyon

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Posted by Denver on September 27, 2002 at 01:48:34:

In Reply to: re: Suprise Canyon posted by EK-Dog on September 25, 2002 at 08:06:54:

The last time I was up there, the road was still passible without a winch. A bunch of Hippies were living in the main part of the camp. Before you arrive at the main part of camp, there is a road that bears off to the left. About a quarter of a mile down this road, and on the right, was a very livable cabin dubbed "The Castle" by the afore mentioned Hippies. This cabin had running water, and even a patio, complete with built in BBQ. The "Castle" moniker came from the method of construction. At each corner, there was a huge beam about 12' x 12'standing vertically, and extending up above the cabin a good 10 ft, or so, giving it the appearance of a castle. Behind the cabin, a path went up the hill a ways to the privvy. When you were sitting on the "throne" you had a commanding view down thru Surprise Canyon to the valley floor below. If you make the trip, please check it out, and let me know if the cabin is still there. -- Thanks, Denver

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