Re: Russell is angry

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Posted by Scootertrash on April 16, 2003 at 14:25:47:

In Reply to: Re: Russell is angry posted by Ed on April 16, 2003 at 02:22:47:

Bring tools to repair fence and reinstall creosote poles. The rear parking area of Russells is blocked off to prevent erosion and flooding in the parking area. Also, to keep Mr. Donkey out of the water and cabins. Approx 762 times in a semi- intoxicated condition I tried to walk from the garage area to stellas, only to have to back track to take the outhouse trail to Stella. I hated the 112 times I walked into that barb wire in darkness, only once spilling a beer.... but it has to be up or that parking area will fill with run off. In jan 2000 myself and V-10 had to repair the drainage as the back patio was under a foot of water. We need to fill the dug out water pool at the end of the irrigation in front of the kitchen. Not the small dish, but a 3x4 by 2 feet deep hole that was lined with plastic. It is fine while you are there to maintain it, however the burros step on the plastic and puncture it, draining the tub. It is an excellent idea for a pool or water for the coyotes,but the Rabbit Rangers(Fish and game) go ballistic as Bighorn sheep get sick from water that has been touched by humans. A warden friend was out there April 10 and was concerned that animals may ingest the rotting plastic liner. Russells suite has a rat that returns to nest in the stove pipe. You may want to bring a small piece of tight mesh chicken wire and plug the roof vent. I dont mind the rodent friends... but if you light the fire for a romance scene the cabin will fill with smoke and ruin the woodrow. If you bang the pipe the stuff will fall down. She is big enough to carry a cottage cheese container so that pipe will be blocked with her nest. We repaired the outside kitchen cook table. Cook your greasies outside as the bacon smell in the cabin brings Rodents from as far away as Zzyzx road.
Stella asked if someone will fix her outhouse door. It will need two hinges and screws, and a piece of wood to stabilize the door. have a great trip!

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