PSR Relax

Death Valley has hundreds of miles of backcountry dirt roads and 4x4 trails to explore and enjoy. Here you'll find descriptions, maps and trail reports to consult in planning your trip.


(Approx. 35 mile loop starting and ending on Hwy 136 about 10 miles east of Lone Pine)

This loop trail connects the neighboring towns of Swansea and Keeler, on the eastern shoreline of Owens Lake, via the ghost town of Cerro Gordo and the ridge line of the southern Inyo Mountains.

Read more: Cerro Gordo

(14 miles)

This is one of the earliest sites of mining in Death Valley and can be reached via two roads. The rougher, but more interesting, route leaves the highway between Hell's Gate and Daylight Pass. After passing Monarch Canyon, 4X4 is required. No Camping First 2 Miles. The alternate road is located just beyond the park boundary east of Daylight Pass. Continue one mile south of the site of Chloride City for a spectacular view into Death Valley at Chloride Cliff.

Difficulty Rating: 2

(22 miles)

This 68-miles of mostly dirt road at the Ubehebe Crater road to the south, then continues north to Crankshaft Junction. Here the road turns west, up and over the Last Change Range via Hanging Rock Canyon, into the Eureka Valley. The road continues west up and over the Inyo Mountains until its junction with Highway 168, just five miles north of Big Pine. There are no services along this route, and there can be large washouts in the Eureka Valley. No camping along this road.

Difficulty Rating: 1

(10 miles)

The road begins two miles east of Furnace Creek Inn along Highway 190. The road tends to have deep gravel and is quite rocky 3 miles from the highway (4X4 required). The Needle's Eye, a natural arch, is located within the canyon narrows. The Inyo Mine is up the right fork 9 miles in and contains several old structures and remnants of mining equipment. The left fork continues past other old mines eventually becoming very rough 4x4 and exiting the park in Nevada. No Camping First 2 Miles.

Difficulty Rating: Right Fork = 2; Left Fork = 3