PSR Camp

The temperature in Death Valley soared to a whopping 130°F this past Sunday, August 16, 2020. This is the hottest temperature recored on Earth since 1913, a time when meteorological science was less accurate than today. The previous high in Death Valley was 134°F recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records and is the reason the giant thermometer in Baker, California, stands at 134 feet tall. 

Most of the southwestern U.S is going to experience unusually high temperatures, with the Death Valley area expected to be over 110, with Monday and Tuesday potentially reaching 121°F with lows in the 90’s. 

There are a few things you can do to stay cool. Avoid direct sunlight and wear lightweight, loose fitting clothes, or wet bandanas on your shoulders or around your head.  Run your A/C at 78°F and use fans. Shower in cool water as often as you need to. Keep your body hydrated by drinking more water than you usually do. Avoid alcoholic drinks, caffeinated drinks and drinks with large amounts of sugar.  If you experience heat cramps, heat rash, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke, dial 911.

From the article:

On June 20, 1965, four high school buddies set out to a remote desert location about 90-miles northwest of Las Vegas. Their intent: to joy dive into a deep, geothermal abyss called Devils Hole. Sadly, two of the young men would never remerge from this mysterious "fossil water" portal.

Their publicized disappearance set into motion a series of revelations concerning deep time, interconnected hydrogeological sublimity, time-traveling Indigenous Shamans, distant seismic events, genetic conundrums, capitalistic greed and consequent environmental exploitation. At the center of this saga is a tiny endangered fish at the threshold of existence.

Read on for fascinating history and fantastic photos.

The National Park Service is warning visitors about the dangers of remote travel in extreme heat after a string of recent emergencies, one of them fatal, in Death Valley National Park.

On Thursday, park visitors found a man dead on Harry Wade Road, a remote, 30-mile dirt track that runs into the south end of Death Valley from California Route 127.

The man’s name and age were not released. His motorcycle was parked nearby, upright and in working condition.

His death is under investigation by the Inyo County Sheriff’s Office, though heat may have been a factor. Thursday’s high was 118 degrees at the park’s official weather station in Furnace Creek, California, about 125 miles west of Las Vegas.

Read More!

DEATH VALLEY, CA –Badwater Road is now fully open, connecting Death Valley National Park to the gateway town of Shoshone, California. Work remains to be done in other areas of the park to repair road and infrastructure damage caused by flash floods last October.

Several storms between October 4 and October 18, 2015 caused extreme flash flood damage. In one location, 2.7 inches of rain fell in just 5 hours –which exceeds Death Valley's average precipitation for a year.

Badwater Road is the main paved road in the southern end of Death Valley National Park. National Park Service road crews cleared large amounts of dirt and rock to open the northern section of Badwater Road by early November, providing access to popular destinations such as Badwater Basin, the lowest elevation in North America at 282 feet below sea level.

The section of Badwater Road near Jubilee Pass was extensively damaged, with about a half mile of pavement and road base washed away in multiple sections of the road. Federal Highway Administration funded the repair work.William Kanayan Construction started repairs in May, under a contract with Federal Highway Administration. Much of the work was done at night so that temperatures would be cooler.

Read more: Badwater Road Is Now Open!

Death Valley Area News
The latest news from inside Death Valley National Park